Rabu, 02 November 2011

Cara syntesis pockie ninja dan Ninja kita


Anonymous Name card + 1s Gear + 2s Gear = Hand Grenade [50%]
Hand Grenade + 1s Gear + 2s Gear = Exploration Key [90%]
Hand Grenade + 2s Gear + 2s Gear = Exploration Key ; Demon Proof ; Feather [60% ; 30% ; 10%]
Exploration Key + 2s Gear + 2s Gear = Demon Proof [60%]
Hand Grenade + Watermelon + Watermelon = Demon Proof [80%]
Hand Grenade + Enchantment Stone + Enchantment Stone = Demon Proof [80%]
Anonymous Name card + Anonymous Name card + Anonymous Name card = Anonymous Card Folder [100%]
Anonymous Name card + 2s Gear + 2s Gear = Hand Grenade [70%]
Gear + Mystery Scroll + Hand Grenade = Rare Ore [60%]


Beer + 1s + 1s = 1.6x EXP Mark (90%)
Beer + Anonymous name card + 1s = 1.6x EXP Mark (80%)
Riceball + 2s +2s = 1.6x EXP Mark (60%)
Sausage + 2s + 2s = 1.6x EXP Mark (60%)
Eternal Focus potion(any type) + 1s + 1s = Konoha secret ingredient
Konoha secret ingredient + 1s + 1s = Toad scret ingredient
Pet food from shop + 1s + 1s = Another pet food (could be one with greater feeding value)
Corn + 1s Gear + 1s Gear = Chilli [90% Success Rate]
Chilli + 2s Gear + 2s Gear = Watermelon [60% Success Rate]
2.0x Exp Mark +1s Gear + 1s Gear = Watermelon [50% Success Rate]
Sync Value 21 Food + Sync Value 21 Food + Sync Value 21 Food = 1.6x Exp Mark [100% Success Rate]
Sync Value 32 Food + 1s Gear + 1s Gear = 2.0x Exp Mark [60% Success Rate]
Sync Value 21 Food + 1s Gear + 1s Gear = 1.6x Exp Mark [99% Success Rate]
1.6x Exp Mark + 1s Gear + 1s Gear = Sync Value 32 Food [80% Success Rate]


Grey suit + 1s + 1s = Grey suit of another character
Grey suit + 1s + 2s = Blue suit (40%) Grey suit of HIGH caliber (60%)
Grey suit + 2s + 2s = Blue suit (80%)
Blue suit + 1s + 1s = Blue suit of another character
Blue suit + 1s + 2s = Blue suit of HIGH caliber (60%)
Blue suit + 2s + 2s = Orange suit (20%)
Blue suit + Blue suit + 3s = Orange suit (70%)
Blue suit + 3s + 3s = Orange suit (80%)
Blue suit + 3s + Lucky Gem = Orange suit (90%)
Orange suit + 1s + 1s = Orange suit of another character


1s + 1s + 1s = 2s (40%)
2s + 2s + 2s = 3s (40%)
2s + sync value 32 + sync value 32 = 3s (40%) sync value 32 can be food, exp seals etc.
3s + 1s + 1s = 3s of another kind
3s + Lucky gem + National Cup trophie = 4s (60%)
3s Gear + 3s Gear + Lucky Gem = 4s Gear [30% Success Rate]
2s Gear + Lucky Gem + 2s Gear = 3s Gear [50% Success Rate]
3s Gear + 3s Gear + 3s Gear = 4s Gear [20% Success Rate]


Sync value 30 pets + 1s + 1s = Another Sync value 30 pet
Sync value 30 pets + 2s + 2s = Sync value 40 pet (30%)
Sync value 30 pets + 3s + 3s = Sync value 40 pet (80%)
Sync value 40 pets + 1s + 1s = Sync value 40 pets
Sync value 40 pets + Anonymous name card + Anonymous name card = sync value 30 pets
Sync value 30 pets + Anonymous name card + Anonymous name card = Vulture
Pet + Lucky Gem + 2s Gear = Frostbore Dragonling [30% Success Rate]
Pet + Pet + Lucky Gem = Frostbore Dragonling [40% Success Rate]
Pet + 2s Gear +2s Gear = Frostbore Dragonling [20% Success Rate]

Quest Item

Anonymous Card+ Anonymous Card+Anonymous Card= Anonymous Card Folder
Weapon+ Weapon disassembler+ Weapon Disassembler= Iron Ore
Armor+ Armor Disassembler + Armor Disassembler= Iron Ore
Acessory + Acessory DIsassembler+ Acessory Disassembler= Iron Ore
Weapon+ Mystery Disassembler+ Hand Grenade= Rare Iron Ore (60%)
Armor+ Mystery Disassembler+ Hand Grenade= Rare Iron Ore (60%)
Acessory+ Mystery Disassembler+ Hand Grenade= Rare Iron Ore (60%)

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